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Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

KNAPP Performance Space, Artists Working: Discontinuity Barinatxe projection. Artistic objects movement to an Open Project. (Painting, drawing, serigraphy, sculpture, performance, on-site installation, photo, video, sound, lighting, Improvised actions, collaborations).

Sound for Iñigo by Kris
Krishonya Rogers. mp3 audio, 15’ (2015).
Workshop: constructed voices (discurse)-sound (environment) situations, experimental soundtrack–music.
KNAPP Performance Space, Artists Working soundtrack, Fieldwork – ODNR Division of Geological Survey, Ohio Seismograph Station / Sedimentary rocks archive–, Everyday spaces.

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

KNAPP Performance Space, Artists Working: Discontinuity Barinatxe projection. Artistic objects movement to an Open Project.
Tyler Carroll: Breaking and destroying painting sketches / Lighting, fan air stream

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

KNAPP Performance Space, Artists Working: Discontinuity Barinatxe projection. Artistic objects movement to an Open Project.
Tyler Carroll: Breaking and destroying painting sketches / Lighting, fan air stream

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

KNAPP Performance Space, Artists Working: Silk screened fabric on everyday items. Jonathan Vega.

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

KNAPP Performance Space, Artists Working: Photography.

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

Fieldwork: Denison’s Biological Reserve, Granville (Oh) U.S. –Walk–[register, act, realization, nonsense, non-production]

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

Sight / Site. Sign / Form

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

Sight / Site. Sign / Form

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

Urine, snow, footprint.

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

Freezing, cut, suspend, discontinuity, transformation.

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

Scientific research, fieldwork, marks, natural research, non-site, artistic research

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

Scientific research, fieldwork, marks, natural research, non-site, artistic research

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

Scientific research, fieldwork, marks, natural research, non-site, artistic research

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

Fieldwork: ODNR Division of Geological Survey, Alum Creek State Park, Delaware County (Oh) U.S.
Warehouse and archive of geological strata.

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

Fieldwork: –Seismometer - earthquakes detector (with can of beer). ODNR Division of Geological Survey, Alum Creek State Park, Delaware County –Ohio Seismograph Station–.

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

Fieldwork: –Seismometer - earthquakes detector. ODNR Division of Geological Survey, Alum Creek State Park, Delaware County –Ohio Seismograph Station–.
Natural discontinuity / configurative discontinuity.

Workshop / seminar ARTISTS WORKING: DENISON University. Ohio, USA. / Bryan Arts Center. January – February 2015

From the nature of Nonsense to its co-presence (cut – interval) in the Sense production. Constructed situation + live situation.
Art object (aesthetic object – artistic object) research on the experience of its movement to the Art Project.

Fieldwork: Delaware Lake (Delaware dam), Ohio, U.S. / Discontinuity: two levels of frozen water flow
